The generation of 30-year-old is under study in Italy nowadays. Between jobs, high rents, low salaries, prefer stay with their parents and not getting married. But they also give the impression they reject responsibility and adult life (fancy the French film "Tanguy" was drawn from an Italian law case!). Check out "I laureati" by Leonardo Pieraccioni to find a film with a similar subject.
But there is not only the 30-year-old crisis, there is also a 50-year-old crisis shown in the film. Which enlarges the focus of the picture to love life and commitment in general. Love is shown in its "mortality". It ends. Family life is disappointing and suffocating, for the 30-year-old just as for the 50. The temptation of escaping is great.
But it may be too late. Or you don't have courage enough. Or it is not really what you want. Then staying at home and resigning oneself seems to be the next best thing, but the only available one. Is this happiness? I don't know. Someone may be satisfied with the "happy end" where every thing is put together, but I personally retained a feeling of uncomfortableness. Pay attention to the very last moments of the film. The "we reap as we sow" message.
Actors: I loved Stefania Sandrelli, courageous and ironic enough to let the director film her CLOSE and show all the wrinkles, the years that have passed by. She is credible and expressive. I also love Sergio Castellito, always great. Martina Stella is very "fresh" and also credible in her role. What I really could not stand are Stefano Accorsi and Giovanna Mezzogiorno!!! I don't know if it is a personal dislike, for Accorsi it may be since I hate him in almost all the films he makes, instead I liked Giovanna Mezzogiorno very much in "La finestra di fronte". But the way they acted here, always panting, this jarring repetition of "huh-huh-huh". I've read comments here wondering if this behavior is "normal". No, in my (Italian) opinion it sounds fake.
In conclusion, I advise you not to watch this film if you are planning your wedding.