I don't understand: The first ten or so episodes of Action Man were really good, and the show was actually above most other kids programs. The emphasis was more so on plot and overall story. Alex Mann was a deep man who cared about his team, and his rival, Brandon Kane, whose body Dr. X had inhibited. And Dr. X himself was more than a simple "Bad Guy", he was a man who had a passion for his work and truly beleived neo-humanity was beneficiary for the world. Furthermore, he RESPECTED Action Man, and wanted him to join him. And he always referred to him as "Mr. Mann."
But, like a sudden snap, the show almost completely turned into a crappy, cliché, spoon-fed kids show, with no deep plot and the characters turned into uncomplicated, one dimensional steriotypes. Dr. X went from what is described above to an idiotic simple villain who, in those annoying new spoon-fed bio descriptions, "Hated" Action Man. And he started calling him "Action man" as well. Alex aslo became a dim-bulb jock who started spouting out crappy catch phrases such as "Show me that rush! WOOOOOOH!!!"
I can't understand why the producers made such a huge writing change when they had such a good thing going. While the show is still on, I hope they can save it and switch back.