A movie like many others from Japan as I believe it is a fused together television show like Prince of Space and the Invasion of the Neptune Men edited together and dubbed into a movie. This one features the most heroic of all heroes, Starman! He flies, he is tough as steel and he fights so fabulously! He also has very incompetent villains; seriously, why were there literally no supervillains back in the early days featured in these movies? Superhero stuff in America was like that too, it was not as if they were not present in the comics, but instead we get a bunch of normal people attacking the super powered and nearly indestructible hero and if we are lucky we get one that is sort of clever...not in this particular film though.
The story, Starman is sent to stop this race of aliens from destroying the Earth or capturing it while a scientist along with his children are making a rocket. Well, the scientist and the kids get captured along with one assistant and get whisked away to outer space, as the attack from space is rather brief. Starman pursues the rocket, but is apparently killed by a missile hitting him and then falling into a death star. That is okay, as the kids' and the assistant have a plan and who knows, perhaps Starman will be back for a super long fight scene!
The fight scene at the end of this thing is incredibly long as Starman fights a huge army while needlessly flipping around and such. He is invulnerable, he has no reason to show off! I kind of wish they would have a fight as long as this thing in a Marvel film between hero and villain instead of the five minute fights we get that are cut with scenes of like other characters not involved in the fight, or trying to pad the part for the non powered person to save the day instead.
So, if you like to see a guy in a very silly costume fight a room full of military people, this film is for you! You may not think this at first as the film drags a bit, but once Starman finally reemerges it is game on! Not a very good film and probably a worse dub, but it is funny to watch so it has that going for it. It also features some really easy to defeat bad guys who show their might to the Earth by blowing up a mountaintop in an area where there are very few people to witness said might. I think they were still new to the whole villain thing.