And still creeping people out today. 1979's "UFOs Are Real" is one of those grainy but still spooky paranormal documentaries that everyone seemed to be making in the 70's. Featuring top Ufologist Stanton Friedman, "UFOs" shows some of the best UFO photos and films as well as written accounts from such distant times like ancient Rome that may very well have been UFO sightings. But it also features people who have seen fantastic things that cannot be explained only to be discarded and laughed at in most cases. This factor, more than anything else, is what gives the show its power. From pilots who have encountered UFOs to people who claimed to be abducted, this documentary has it all. Listen as Betty Hill tells her tale of her and her husband, Barney, being abducted from a lonely New England road and taken onto a craft manned by beings not of this world. Their tale never fails to send shivers down my spine every time I hear it. Adding to the creepiness of it all is the chilling music score used throughout the film. As I said earlier, the film quality may be grainy but the message is no less important today than it was then. After all, even though it has been over thirty years since this was made, the truth about UFOs is still out there and just as far from our grasp as it has ever been. So, if the subject of UFOs and anything strange interests you in the least, I urge you to look up "UFOs Are Real" on you tube-since this is the only way one can view it-and be sure to type UFOs are real since the cover shown on IMDb is of a different documentary. And as I always like to say when writing on such productions, keep watching the skies!