The original French theatrical version, which runs at 135 mins begins as Sand plans to leave her husband and Musset's father dies. This version continues after their final meeting as Sand begins to write her story and attempts in vain to see Musset one last time. This version ends with a direct to camera address by Sand at Musset's tomb. A shorter theatrical version was released in Germany, Spain, UK and US which begins with Sand reading from "Lélia" and ends with Sand and Musset's final meeting. It runs at 105 mins. This version contains two new scenes: Sand and Musset being introduced to each other and a dance sequence. However the opening sequences featuring Sands arrival in Paris during an uprising and her relationship with Marie Dorval are lost, as are the closing scenes as she attempts to see Musset a final time. Most DVD releases have favored the Original 135 min version which was more critically popular.