This film essentially begins in a secluded forest on the outskirts of a large city with a serial rapist by the name of "Mike" (Vagelis Seilinos) carefully creeping up on a parked car where a young couple are embracing one another. After quickly dispatching the young man with his pistol, he then proceeds to viciously rape the woman before strangling her to death. Not long afterward, the police discover the body and begin their investigation. The scene then shifts to another young man named "Larry Preston" (Lakis Komninos) celebrating his new yacht given to him by his extremely wealthy wife "Ellen Preston" (Dorothy Moore). Yet even though she loves him very much, he doesn't feel the same way about her and is having an affair with another young woman by the name of "Laura" (Jane Paterson) instead. To that effect, he arranges a meeting with Mike to have him kill Ellen so that he can not only marry Laura but also inherit all of his wife's money in the process. The problem, however, is that Mike doesn't trust Larry very much and, in order to protect himself, decides to deviate from the agreed upon plan--just in case. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was an interesting Greek giallo that features a number of scenes containing both nudity and violence. So, parental discretion is advised. It also features a rather novel twist at the end as well. Admittedly, it suffers to a certain extent by rather basic acting but, even so, I suppose it passed the time fairly well, and I have rated it accordingly. Average.