You've heard-it, and probably said-it: "Germans aren't funny, they have no-sense-of-humor", but it's untrue. How do I know this? The existence of this film, silly. This is an absolute laugh-riot from-the-get-go, the hilarious "Killer Kondom". A lot of North American-men will feel-uneasy watching a film that revels-in gay-culture, but this is some great social-satire too. Virtually every sexual-taboo is explored here, so Killer Kondom isn't exactly a date-film, heh-heh. But, if you want to remove uptight, unwanted company, you could do worse. You have to admire something this funny, yet-annoying. Ferchrissakes, that's what a "cult-film" IS. This could never, ever be distributed in-theaters within the territorial-United States. Our culture could not-withstand this film in that medium or setting, especially for the rampant homosexual-themes.
Maybe the funniest-thing is that the film takes-place in New York City, with an all-German cast speaking their native-language. This-alone is pretty funny, but that's before you reach the plot! The story is pretty-simple: male-clients of prostitutes are being-castrated by penis-eating creatures in a seedy New York Hotel (amazingly, not the Chelsea!). The protagonist-cop has to discover what the attacks are, and who originated-them, and why. It's quite-a-trip to the ending, and often hair-raising, especially if you're male. The depiction of American Midwesterners is hilarious in the prologue with the Hayseed-father The story is a camp-noir-horror, involving a very-ugly gay-cop, lots of subplots of his past-relationships, and lots of baiting-and-chasing of the condoms.
You could say this film makes-fun of several-genres, sometimes all in one-scene! From gumshoe-detective films, to John Waters grossout-insanity, to some truly-bizarre scenarios, this film has-it-all for those who love trash-cinema. A number of the scenes and makeup were designs-by Swiss-surrealist, H. R. Geiger, though several never made-it to the final-cut. I've seen his sketches, and they were downright-Medieval. Too-bad, as his concepts were what made this film worth-a-looky! Troma's DVD is passable, with lousy-audio, but it's cheap and fun, just like a one-night-stand. A cult-classic with a "Get-the-F%*#-Outta-Here!!!" -ending. If you find religious-intolerance of-sexuality bad, this film will definitely resonate.