Catherine Alexander (Jane Seymour) is an amnesiac who is found on a Greecian beach by nuns, taken in by shipping magnate Costas Demiris (Omar Sharif) and given a job in his Amsterdam Hellenic Trade Corporation. Catherine is actually Catherine Douglas, a woman believed to have been murdered by her husband Larry (Peter Cetera) and his mistress Noelle Page. Noelle was also the mistress of Costas, and he blackmailed the trial lawyers so that Larry and Noelle would be executed. Catherine's emergence however causes a threat of exposure to Costas, and he hires Atana (Ari Meyers) to assassinate her. Will he succeed? And will Coastas' wife Melina have her revenge?
Seymour uses her American accent and appears wearing her long brown hair draped in front of her on one side. When being pursued by Larry she gets to run on the beach in the rain, fall into the ocean, is tied to a chair in front of an exploding pressure cooker, and says a memorable `Gawd. I feel so lost' to psychiatrist Alan Hamilton (Stephen Macht) whom she marries.
The teleplay by Paul Wheeler, Richard Hack and Michael Viner, based on the book by Sidney Sheldon, is forgettable pap, with one laugh line Melina says to Costas - `How considerate you are, especially to women half your age', and director Gary Nelson adds nothing noteworthy.