It had a few fun moments, but there were exactly that few, and they came few and far between scenes. The music was ok for what it was and gave you that ominous feeling to the film and added a much needed vibe, especially in the moments of suspense where you were just waiting for something, anything, but like many things that went wrong, there just weren't enough moments of suspense to justify the overplaying of theme tunes. One big positive, however, for those who miss the 1990s is that this movie has the vibes many long for but may never see again. You get that this is 1993. Yes, I know it is now on streaming websites, but that is kind of the point I am trying to make. Watching this, you know it was the early 1990s, and it gives that videotape feeling about it, which I enjoyed; you don't get that anymore. You may never get that again.