Janey Glenn (Sarah Jessica Parker) is a teenager newcomer in Chicago, who loves the TV show Dancing in TV. In the Catholic school, she becomes friend of Lynne Stone (Helen Hunt), who also loves to dance and invites her to an audition to be part of the show. However, her tough father, who raises Janey in a military environment, does not accept her participation in the audition, and she has lots of trouble to escape for the competition. The rich Natalie Sands (Holly Gagnier) tries to use the influence and power of her wealthy father to win the competition. This silly movie is crowded of teenager starlets. It is funny to see names such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Helen Hunt, Jonathan Silverman, Shannen Doherty, in the beginning of their careers, playing very goofy and foolish roles. However, the story is nice, there are good songs from the 80´s and in the end, it is an attractive and forgettable entertainment. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): `Dançando na TV' (`Dancing in TV')