Based on John Dean's bestseller Everyone's Guilty But Me . . . I'm sorry, it's Blind Ambition, isn't it? Excuse me.
A superb cast headed by Martin Sheen at his most smarmy poutiest (was there ever such a pouty actor?). I haven't read Dean's self-serving memoir so I don't know how closely they stuck to the story.
Despite the star-studdest cast the writers managed to make one of the great stories of the twentieth century quite dull. Sheen bears not the least resemblance to the real Dean.
A disclaimer: when this was first broadcast I was a liberal Democrat willing to love anything that destroyed Republicans. Now I no longer affiliate myself with that party and operate as a free thinker I try to be more open-minded and try to make judgement on the quality of the things themselves rather than on what they try to achieve. I see no better way to make judgments. So watch this if you like, but be prepared to yawn.