[C.J. comes face-to-face with the Devil sitting on a throne in a white-colored limbo plane of existence]
Devil: [chuckles] Forgive me, but you are an endless source of amusement to me.
C.J. Arnold: What is it that you want?
Devil: There... you see what I mean? After all I put you through and you still don't know.
C.J. Arnold: You did all that?
Devil: No, Mr. Arnold. YOU did. You denied the warnings, you opened the door, and still you cannot accept or understand what you've done. You pondered the deeper meaning of a universal power for good. Sound familiar?
C.J. Arnold: What is it that you want from me?
Devil: My accounts. I fill my accounts. You have a will, Mr. Arnold. Strong, sometimes misdirected, but a will. So you have some value even among your kind. By the way, where is that piece of holy excrement that you used to open the door? The cross?
C.J. Arnold: It's a thing of God. How could it come here? What could you want with it?
Devil: [stern tone] Don't question me. I have little enough patience. That "thing" shall be destroyed and you are going to see it done. Where is it?