Alastair MacGregor: [the MacGregors have just toasted Scotland] Mr. Donovan, you're a great drinker, and yet you're not drinkin' with us in the most beautiful country in the world.
Pa Donovan: 'Course I'll drink to it, MacGregor. I'll be drinkin' to my Ireland!
Pa Donovan: Hip hip...
[Donovan's family women answer with "hooray!"]
Alastair MacGregor: Listen here, Donovan. When one has the distinguished privilege of the hospitality of a Scots family, you must have the good taste not to sing the praises of Ireland, which is, after all, one of our colonies.
Pa Donovan: Mr. MacGregor, when you're the host of the Irish, you cannot insult my country and go scot-free!
[Donovan hauls off and punches MacGregor in the face]
Alastair MacGregor: Mr. Donovan, it's always a great pleasure for me when you give me the chance to have a frank talk!
[MacGregor hauls off and slugs Donovan in the stomach. Big brawl ensues]