I remember this show vividity as a teenager during the late 1970's as part of Hanna-Barbera's FANTASTIC WORLD OF ADVENTURE! But as for the Birdman bit,it was hokey,but sometimes stupid in some parts. Birdman and Avenger(his pet eagle with superpowers) would take on evil doers and monsters,and when our hero was in a situation he would go right up into the sun to recharge his energy and then comes back with his sun shield in hand ready for action!!!!!
But it wasn't always the case................. One episode in particular was with Birdman taking on his arch nemesis THE SCORPION leaving him in situation where he cannot get out to the sun to restore his powers leaving him and Avenger in a dangerous situation...... This was a three parter episode,where Birdman and Avenger fights to save the world from nuclear destruction(with special guest Hanna Barbera superhero of all people!) which left viewers to tuned in next week for the continuation of our story.
As far as THE GALAXY TRIO are concerned,I never like them since they ruined the effect of the show...................
HB's WORLD OF ADVENTURE was a full hour of non-stop animated action and breathtaking suspense all in one cartoon show!!! It came on every afternoon which featured Space Ghost,The Herculoids,Birdman,Mighthor, Buzz Conroy and Frankenstein Jr.,and Super Samson(which featured a teen that transforms into a ancient superhero,and has pet lion with laser eyes!..only in a cartoon).