When it became obvious that the pupils at Fenn St school were not believable as 16 year olds ( some were pushing 30 by this time) because of the success of the characters in Please sir they decided to continue the antics out of school in the real world where they could chance their arm trying to earn a living. (please sir actually continued for another season but without Duffy ( awhh rabbishhh sir!) and co it bombed and was axed shortly there after.) The problem is that they all went their separate ways and it was difficult to keep the chemistry together especially with so many plots going on. When the main characters all jell in the school environment it all falls apart when they are not together. As with the ill fated Tuckers luck in the early 1980's (a spin off from Grange Hill) high school pranks do not transfer well out off school. You can't get away with school shenanigans in the work place.! The Fenn st Gang did run for a respectable 40 episodes over a two year period but it was not as popular as please sir and found itself relegated to Sunday afternoons. It just goes to show that tinkering with a popular show is risky and even transferring the same characters into a different setting has it's limitations.
Not yet available on DVD, whether it will be is any bodies guess.