Mifune and Katsu made two movies together around 1970, this one and Zatoichi vs Yojimbo, an entry in the "blind swordsman" series. This one has significantly better direction (not surprising since Inagaki is one of the best) and production values and a more interesting ensemble of characters. For fans of the Zatoichi series, its fun seeing Katsu in such a different role. Mifune plays his usual laconic yojimbo character, however, a little more serious-minded than usual. The plot structure reminded me of Petrified Forest as a diverse group of characters assemble at the remote inn run by a miserly old man together with his romantically minded granddaughter. I like this film more each time I watch it due to the eccentric characters and their interactions. Although it's not an A list film on a par with many of Kurosawa, Kobayashi or even others by Inagaki (Samurai trilogy, Chushingura) its well done and fun. Definitely recommended for fans of Mifune and samurai movies.