Bear in mind I saw this when I was about 12 years old, and this film was thus viewed through the eyes of a child. I haven't seen it since and even doubt it has been screened on UK TV.
This was, I am sure with hindsight, a typical foreign sword-and-sandal escapade, with a loose script, and poorly dubbed. As a 12 year-old, I thought it was magnificent! I can only really recall a couple of scenes, one with a Gatling-Gun-type weapon that fired arrows, and another where the titular 7 were trying to escape a tower on a cliff via a home-made catapult.
Before the days of glittering special effects and multi-million pound budgets, this was the thing Saturday morning cinema was made of. Two films (I don't recall the other one I saw that day)and thrills all the way.
Sadly films such as these will rarely ever get a TV screening, and never satisfy 12-year-olds these days, and the world is probably all the poorer for it. Such nostalgia, huh?