It was wonderful for me to discover this classic French gem so late.
Because I was brought up on 007, and Fantomas harks back to early Bond in many ways: Thematically, musically, visually. But whereas Bond films perpetrate English rational thinking and ironic humor, Fantomas goes the French way: Farce, sexyness, and ...Louis DeFunés!!!
We are nearer to comic- book villainy here.
We also notice that lots of FRANCS were put where the Brits put their POUNDS. By this I don't doubt for a minute that by showing off Paris and the French Riviera the French government certainly wished to rival Britain's skilfully propaganda operation perpetrated by Bond films. (Let's not forget that Ian Fleming, who authored the books, was a British agent).
But though Marais has much of Roger Moore's (a future Bond) suave appeal, it is the zany, manic DeFunés who steals the show...turning the film into something hard to classify. In fact he single-handedly wreaks havoc, and triggers off material for Peter Sellers' future inventions like Inspector Clouseau (of the Suretée).
The stunts in this film are amazing, and coarsely riveting. Marais and elderly DeFunés pull off quite a few themselves. And the inflatable dinghy finale is so tongue-in- cheek it will have you giggling like a toddler.
Vive la Liberté!