Roger Corman is a major figure in the world of low budget pictures and he brought pace ,energy and wit to a wide variety of cinematic genres .I will maintain to my dying day the The St Valentine's Day Massacre is the best post World War 2 gangster picture bar none and his Poe adaptations are stylish ,elegant and finely wrought . However it is idle to pretend that his career does not have its share of dross and this tedious nonsense is a severe test to viewer patience. Its plot revolves around a scare story invented by a gang of U S adventurers who try to scare off treasure hunters with tales of a monster guarding the treasure .Guess what -turns out there is a monster after all and he wreaks havoc on the gang .
The tone is intended to be humourous -the gang leader is played as a Bogart parody ,there is a bungling and inept US spy ,a gangsters moll and -most teeth clenchingly irritating of all - a crew member who communictes mostly in bird and animal noises .Add some dated Latino stereotypes and a laughable inept monster and even at artound 70 minutes this an ordeal.
To work a comedy horror needs to be funny and horrific -this is neither,