This film begins with a rancher by the name of "Owen Merritt" (Randolph Scott) attempting to adjust to the realization that his former girlfriend "Laurie Bidwell" (Joan Leslie) has recently agreed to marry an unscrupulous businessman named "Will Isham" (Alexander Knox) in the very near future. And although Will knows Laurie is entering their marriage strictly for financial reasons, he is also aware that she still has feelings for Owen. Because of that, he becomes even more intent to take everything else Owen has as well. What he doesn't realize, however, is that Owen isn't the type who can be bullied and he is more than capable of taking care of himself if he is pushed too far. Now, rather than reveal any more I will just say that this turned out to be an okay Western for the most part which benefited by solid performances by Randolph Scott, Joan Leslie and Ellen Drew (as "Nan Melotte"). On that note, I must admit that the relationship between Owen and Laurie seemed rather odd at times but other than that this film managed to pass the time fairly well and I have rated it accordingly. Average.