I initially am wondering what is eomhitng new the R.B. movies can show and find this to have satisfying action, funny parts, and a different focus on areas (more castle scenes which actually makes cents at the title, his is ironically the prince of the evil castle), and an increase on R.H.'s assistants that need more focus like Will Scarlet, and less on ones that are known plenty like from other R.H. movies, and R.h> himself is very manageably played, just there not to eclipse the plot, but remains with that same action focus and also light wit he has, treated iconographically, but still the main hero, like a piece of the puzzle as "the main hero" while there are also "second heroes" yet still the main and giving just enough action and lightness. The movie is not about oh wow it is this legend, but more about getting the plot and action sequences first that the characters happen to be in which makes them notable characters themselves, refreshing. In the beginning it is kinda like where is the interest, it is another R.H. movie is the thought but how it is in the castle setting and plot begins it is like ah now this is something interesting. There are extensive castle scenes for this to provide something more than the first setting and functions well along with the rustic part sas they also provide notable stuff, some of the forsest parts show a good camp style that seems like California camp I was in and there is something else interesting such as the Roman column even which is goic in the middle of the forest, reminiscent of some R.H. tales having such columns in the setting. Also funny parts, people thrown into a moat, a place for poop and pee in castles not only for defensive purpose, and R.H. and assistant wading through, this is actually just me amused also the characters falling in there, also eating meet and throwing bone away, some one toward the end not even wearing leggings, and also an assistant battling alongside R.H. and after he is done just strolls off the scene while R.H. is continuing, some of the confusion of the numerous gals here that is the blonde the focus but then shifts to the dark haired female later?
Very refreshing that this does not feature overdone scenes from other R.H. movies like the Little John bridge or archery contest but truly awesome other scenes, like the castle stuff, even the villains are not lavished upon so much but actually doing things to warrante their villain stature. I just reminisce the main guy, the bad king to the good king who is not even in here as it is unecessary enjoy your crusade instead king. It is as it eh move is as refreshing as being in the cool wood itself.