Based on the classic comic strip by Chic Young,the television series "Blondie" was the first of two television series based on the characters. The first of these aired on NBC-TV on January 4, 1957 and it was very short-lived. The series produced 26 episodes,in black and white and was produced by Hal Roach Studios in association with King Features Syndicate and NBC-TV. Although actress Penny Singleton,who played Blondie in the theatrical versions of the films from the 1940's was chosen to repeat the role,the producers chose actress Pamela Britton for the title role as Blondie Bumstead. Actor Arthur Lake who starred in the theatrical features with Singleton in the 1940's who reprise his role as Dagwood Bumstead for the television version. Britton,who is better remembered as the nosy landlady in the later popular early-1960's TV series "My Favorite Martian",was not the best choice here and it shows in some of the episodes.
However,the series came in as a midseason replacement for a recent canceled NBC show,but audiences didn't catch on quickly. In fact,"Blondie" stay on for a full season,a full 26 episodes before being canceled on July 5, 1957. It would be another eleven years before another version would come in which CBS would revive the series in 1968,which was canceled after 14 episodes.