This show was amazing...the compelling mystery/crime stories that hit over the years like Nicole's PoisonedMakeup Murder (1983), Jinx Avery's Murder (1981), Calvin Stoner's shooting (80s), Claude holding Nicole prisoner (1977), Stephanie's poisoned chocolates, dead spiders Shakespeare notes and riddles of cryptic warnings to Nicole (1970s), and Elly Jo's fatal leap out of a speeding car, and the spy story in 1967 that brought on star Donald May (Adam Drake) and then countless murders and kidnappings brought this unusual soap to the daytime soaps core... The best actors in this whole show were Maeve McGuire (Nicole), Donald May (Adam), Holland Taylor (Denise Cavanaugh, this villainies spooked me to no end), Irving Allen Lee (Calvin), Mariann Alda (Didi), and the wonderful Larkin Malloy (Sky) and Sharon Gabet (Raven), and their story lines proved what a super couple they were, i loved Raven's final scenes in the telecasted final episode when the bloody sword was sent to her, that was so timeless and classic.... I also heard even Larry Hagman (future JR Ewing) had a role on EON as a Ed Gibson, thats so cool, and also Ellen Burstyn was on here too.... EON 4eva rules