Bob Hope executive produced and narrated a one hour TV sequel (serving as a pilot) with Eddie Foy, Jr. as 'Eddie Foy' and Mickey Rooney as 'George M. Cohan.' The Osmond Brothers played the boys and the youngest daughter was played by Morgan Britney. George Tobias reprised his role as Foy's agent 'Barney Green' and Angela Clarke took over the role of 'Aunt Clara.' The story picks up where the original ends with Eddie deciding to retire the act and put the kids in public school. Cohan and Green plot to bring the act back to the stage. Though in black-in-white, 48 minutes long, and a much lower budget, the sequel is quite satisfying to fans of the original. Foy, Jr. had served as narrator and consultant for the original so it was a neat turn to have Hope narrate this one. I found a copy of the film from the web site of "20th Century Nostalgia" for under fifteen dollars. I don't have any affiliation with them but they are the only ones I know that carry it, so I pass the information along to fans. The original is my favorite Bob Hope movie (I own them all!) so I was a tough sell.