In 1913, vaudeville comic Bob Hope (as Eddie Foy) and "The Seven Little Foys" are a successful act. Second child Charley Foy (as Charley Foy) introduces himself as narrator and takes us back to 1898, where Mr. Hope is a solo act uninterested in women. This changes when beautiful Italian ballerina Milly Vitale (as Madeleine Morando) arrives on the scene. Although Mr. Hope is a tough nut to crack, the two somehow forms a family. A tragedy occurs and there are hardships on the road. The act becomes famous. Principal players include Hope's faithful agent George Tobias (as Barney Green), comic foil aunt Angela Clarke (as Clara), and eldest son Billy Gray (as Bryan Lincoln Foy). In a cameo highlight, James Cagney reprises his "Yankee Doodle Dandy" (1942) role of George M. Cohan.
***** The Seven Little Foys (6/1/55) Melville Shavelson ~ Bob Hope, George Tobias, Angela Clarke, Billy Gray