This movie begins in 1800 with a trapper named "Jason Starbuck" (Jeff Chandler) riding into the town of Salem, Massachusetts in order to sell his beaver pelts. While in town he meets and falls in love with a young woman named "Roxana Reil" (Rhonda Fleming) who is engaged to a man she doesn't love. So when the engagement is moved up by her fiancé Jason decides to leave town and go back to being a trapper. What he doesn't know is that Roxanna has decided to break off her engagement and to do that she convinces her father to take her overseas to Marseilles instead. On the way there, however, they are attacked by some Barbary pirates who subsequently sell her as a slave to a man named "Omar Id Din" (Bart Roberts) who puts her into his harem. However, upon hearing the news that Roxana has called off her engagement and then that her ship was taken by pirates, Jason immediately sets to find Roxana and rescue her from the Moors personally. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an entertaining movie which would serve well as a Saturday matinée in the old days or as a late night movie on television today. But it clearly isn't a classic by any means due to the predictable plot or some of the rather unrealistic scenarios. That said, I have rated this movie accordingly. Average.