I recently watched and enjoyed GIRL FROM AVENUE A.
As usual Jane Withers gives us 110% performance. As the over enthusiastic 16 year old orphan that worked in show business.
This film can not but help remind you of FOX'S 1960s film MY FAIR LADY. The plots are similar both set in the 1900s, a poor girl taken home to a rich mans house. Unlike FAIR LADY the mature leading man Kent Taylor has no desire to turn the orphan theatre acrobat into a Lady. Taylor plays an author and wishes to observe Withers behaviour and speech to use for his main character in his next novel.
This is a smile comedy not a laugh out loud comedy. This amusing story is Jane reacting to the household characters. The Butler, elder Brother, younger Brother, the resident Uncle a Bishop but mainly the social climbing Mother played by Laura Hope Crews. Mother is offended by Jane often. Mother continually faints but only when the Butler or male family members can catch her before she hits the floor.
Jessie Ralph appears half way in the film as another upper class dowager, but she wishes to help Jane in her theatrical desire.
I will not spoil the film by giving too much plot detail. I will say I was pleased with the restaurant scene at the beginning Impressed with Janes athletic abilities, the dialogue between the Butler & Bishop with Jane. The kidnapping & race to the theatre.
Jessie Ralph & Laura Hope Crews as the two posturing dowagers try to steal the film but it is Jane Withers smiling enthusiasm that keep us watching. The Butler, Bishop and poorly trained collie dog add interest to the story.