This film is a chance to see the 3rd Mrs. Bogart, May Methot....a woman whose fights with her famous husband are the stuff of legends. Back in the early 30s, Mayo was a star but her off-screen behaviors soon relegated her to supporting actress status.
When the story begins, someone has informed party girl Lola (Methot) that she will be dead by midnight. Just who this is an why is unknown and the Police Commissioner himself (Adolph Menjou) is taking the case. Apart from announcing the murder ahead of time, it's a mostly by the numbers murder mystery...the type they made by the hundreds or thousands during that era. Ultimately, however, the film ends on a high note...a shrill and thrilling Pre-Code ending that I'll keep to myself so I won't spoil anything.
Having the smooth Menjou in the lead sure didn't hurt this one and overall it's well worth your time. It is not super-remarkable but reasonably entertaining and, at times, clever.