This movie begins with a small group of thieves trying to rustle a herd of wild horses on a government sanctuary for their ruthless boss named of "Rance McGowan" (J. P. McGowan). His plan is temporarily ruined, however, when a local law official named "Rance McGowan" (J. P. McGowan) and his deputies known as the Three Mesquiteers appear on the scene and arrest the dastardly hombres in the act. Naturally, being a rather slick conman, Rance convinces the sheriff that it was all a big mistake, and the outlaws are released not too long afterward. Even so, Rance remains determined to capture these horses and is willing to do whatever it takes in that regard--to include killing everyone who stands in his way. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was one of the weaker films in the Three Mesquiteers series due to the rather tame plot overall. Likewise, the uncharacteristic hostility between "Stony Brooke" (Robert Livingston) and his Mesquiteer colleague "Tucson Smith" (Ray Corrigan) didn't help either. But then, that is just my opinion. Be that as it may, while I don't consider this to be a terribly bad film by any means, I don't think it quite measured up to some of the others in the series, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.