This move is quite bad. It is amazing how films like this get released. How is it possibile that many people are involved in the process and no one said "this needs alot of changes"
You ever channel surf and come across a soap opra? Yeah, drags on slow, no much going on, just another dsy in their life. Well thats this movie.
Some guy gets killed, many years later an ultra cheesy scarecrow starts to kill people. Ok, whatever. Scarecrow looks pathetic, most actors are most likely family members of the people making the movie. Way too much time spent on Zoe, the loser shut in introvert, artist wanna be. What an anoying character. And for what? Shut in nerd who hears voices. Oh but comes alive in the last 10 minutes of the film. Way too much time spent on a totally irrelevant character.
Absolutely no likeable characters, rather odd looking actors, not just average, odd. No kill scenes ( which is ok) and just bad set design.
Rarely do i see a movie this bad. I can deal with low budget, but this is most likely a $10,000 movie, if that. A sudden ending thats ridiculous.
This is just another kid dies, years pass, killer taking out his friends, oh i wonder why movie.
Stolen ideas, just done worse then most.
In the end i feel sorry for the people who made this. They arent good at what they do.