It's based on a true story. Very good & believable acting overall from the entire cast, I thoroughly enjoyed this particular topic as i wasn't aware of this iconic trial which became an International precedent for other Farmers worldwide, and not be part of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) trying to own farmlands via their majority shares on MONSANTO Genetically Modified Organisms => Let me refresh you the horrible haunting Eugenics/Transhumanist damages of the past: Remember the Terminator Seeds Scandal?
Where Multiple Companies & their shareholders tried to create a MONOPOLY of the World's Agriculture, country per country, while minimizing the damages on Human Health & escaping from this form of Bio-Terrorism; which eventually blew up with hundreds of lawsuits worldwide in 2014? Well there ya go.
I thoroughly enjoyed the evolution of the main thematic, from an isolated & local idyllic farming town issue, to an International problematic, from which the Suffering & Death are implicit themes, that are shared in specific scenes between the main cast & other characters (especially was fascinated by the dialogue on Far East Philosophies & Religious beliefs).
This movie is a Testament between those who Love & cherish the intrinsic value of LIFE and those who worship a Culture of DEATH.
Ps: I hope somebody makes a movie about José Bové, the french farmer who used a Flamethrower on Monsanto GMO Fields & even burnt a McDonalds that promoted GMO Food... was sent to jail. He is now a E. U. Green Party Parliamentary.