The first Austrian Netflix show brings you to the Austrian Empire at the end of the 19th century and unfolds a story full of mistery, crime and hypnosis. It often feels like a delirium and delivers raw and brutal scenes I did not really expect. However, the presentation is phenomenal and keeps you interested all the time, even though there are some flaws. The acting is really good throughout the show.
Fans of Freud could be disappointed because the historical accuracy is not given. I feel like the show really wanted to show Freud in a new light and therefore show something different. This new concept creates some of the best, but also some of the worst moments of the show. It really tries to be many different things and does not always know what it wants. Therefore this show is definitly not for everyone and you should have an open eye to some of Freuds theories, especially hypnosis. But the abstruse and recondite mix of Conspiracy, personality disorder and crime mistery offers a great view into the abyss of the Austrian Empire and also the Human Mind. 7.5/10