Black Mirror.(2017) If I had to describe my game experience in one word, it would be...
REGRET. I bought this game full of expectation, eager to try something new. Black Mirror sounded like something to take a chance on. The trailer was very intriguing. That trailer pretty much sold me, but it was, unfortunately, very deceiving. Needless to say, I was very disappointed. It was a complete waste of my time and money.
Graphically it was pretty low quality. Nowadays, even average games have pretty nice graphics. Black Mirror is early PS2 era graphics, very mediocre and forgettable. If you care at all about the graphics, design and visual art, then this game will certainly not impress. The character animations made them seem like plastic and cardboard cutouts, very hard to watch. Voice acting was not very good either, and did nothing to help the bad graphics.
Mechanically, it was very boring and tedious. The controls overall were awkward and irritating. Camera angles were just terrible. You spend wayyyyy too much time in one area, which isn't very interesting. There were not enough things going on. In narratives driven games details matter so much, they propel you onward. This game just felt extremely lacking, on all fronts. There were not enough things to interact with, puzzles to solves, clues to find. Everything happens so slow, I constantly struggled to stay awake playing this. I can't remember the last time a game put me to sleep.
The story, which seemed promising, was the only thing that kept me going, but it was too slow coming and eventually it became a chore. It became very predictable. It was very hard to keep any interest in this game. I literally don't know why I kept playing at all, and could not wait for it to be over. The only good aspect of it was the music, which was very decent when it played. (Not that often)
Otherwise, this was a bust. I do not recommend.
STORY: 4/10
MUSIC: 7/10