If you write a review and then complain that your problem is you can't tell which actor is which because all korean look the same to you, you should not be able to write a review aswell as its just not true. The movie is good, not sure why it has only 6.2, without spoiling anything the plot is not new but the idea is executed pretty well and it keeps you engaged, the acting is very good even from the begining of the movie there is a scene with the main protagonist that looks so real you think someone filmed him without him even knowing so this is a good sign in my opinion. I had a couple of out loud laughs even though you dont really expect it from the movie. I did not like the ending and somewhat reminded me of the recent Parasite in which Sun-kyun Lee (the dirty cop) is in, but of course this is only my opinion. Ignore the low rating and go see the movie its a solid action movie with a very realistic take on the genre.