Stick with 'The Split' Season One. And Season 2 is even better. Attorneys who specialize in Family Law / Divorce find themselves ill-equipped to deal with their specialty when it comes to their 'real' / private lives.
Following my watching the first season's 6 episodes I was glad - delighted - that I did. Even more so following Season 2. Yes there are moments when it threatens to descend into what we in America call 'Soap Opera'; the melodramatic, predictable, 'corny' fluff that normally is telecast during daytimes. But then the story moves in a direction you would not have expected. Characters say things and do things that you would not have expected (though later, when you think about them, you're really not as surprised as you were at first). The character 'Nina' is, perhaps, the series' most interesting. Though her screen-time is not nearly as much as her older sister 'Hanna' (Nicola Walker), her moments contain spoken truths that we rarely see in either TV series or film.
I am a big fan of Nicola Walker. And if you are too, you will not be disappointed. But the rest of the cast is fine as well. And for me, an American, the British accents and London locale serve to elevate the dialogue and story to 'higher heights'.
In short, watch 'The Split'. You'll be glad you did.