Rating: 8.5/10
Themes: Biography, History, Drama, Racism, Injustice, Rape, Prison, Persecution, Law, Police & Crime.
Review: This story is something that honestly leaves me speechless. There are no words to describe the outrage I feel with regards to this situation or the injustice of what these five boys went through. It's insane. It's crazy. It's UNJUST. However, I'm now going to go into the actual execution of this series, rather than the story itself, which, in my opinion, left certain things to be desired. I think the first and final episode were chilling and were able to portray the story in the exact right manner. However, the middle two episodes (especially the third) could have been done better. They didn't hit as deep and they felt very rushed. I feel like we didn't really get to see the struggle Kevin, Yusef, Antron and Raymond went through after they got convicted. I feel like we glossed over their experiences a little bit. Opposingly, Korey's life was depicted in detail and with a lot of emotion (in the final episode), and it was his story that eventually brought me to tears. In conclusion, this story is a devastating one, and this series luckily brings a strong light to that, but I personally feel like some things could have been executed a little better to portray the story even better and do even more justice to all these five boys.