Granted, I had expected this to be more a comedy given the movie's synopsis and the movie's cover. But it turns out that this was actually more a drama spiced up with some comedy elements.
So was that good or bad? Well, I found it to be good, because the movie plays on some very good acting performances to bring out some interesting characters and concepts. I ended up enjoying the movie, despite the fact that I had expected to be in for a laugh. That being said, there are the occasional laughs here and there, but the drama weighs more heavily throughout the movie than the comedy does.
I expect that at first the movie seems somewhat confusing to some in the audience, but stick with the movie, because it sorts itself out and it is actually a nice and touching story, if not actually a beautiful story. I will not reveal the plot here, because I think this is something that should be experienced by one self.
"Didi's Dream" (aka "'Chi chi' de ai") was a nice surprise of a movie, and I can definitely recommend that you sit down to watch the movie if you are a fan of Chinese cinema.
And the movie is quite well carried mainly by the performance of Dee Hsu in the role as Shang-guan Didi / Xu Chun-Mei. She is joined by Chiling Lin, whom also puts on a nice performance, but she doesn't really have a big a part in the story as Dee Hsu.
I enjoyed the movie, and the realization of what I had been watching and witnessing when the movie came to a fruition at the end was really quite an interesting approach and twist to the storyline. It was definitely something that I enjoyed.
My rating for "Didi's Dream" is six out of ten stars.