I'll make this short, but felt compelled to leave a note so that folks at least understand what they're getting in to with this one.
Typically, when one thinks about a "zombie flick," there are thoughts of decomposing dead people walking around trying to eat regular people. While "Follow The Dead" is technically about zombies, it is only from a peripheral basis that zombies are involved. To be more concise, THIS IS NOT A ZOMBIE FLICK, rather a dramatic comedy that uses zombies as the foil.
Thematically, the film is about human relationships and values. There are angles that reach in to climate change, political control, and social morality as well, but those are breached within the confines of the script and not major studies. Many conversations of the previously mentioned themes run through the film, but one thing you will NOT see is zombies attacking people. Well, that is not entirely true. I think there are two or three examples of zombie bites, but there is almost no blood and there is certainly NO GORE. If that's what you're looking for, look elsewhere.
I mention all of the above not because the film is bad, but because it looked like a good zombie flick and turned out to be an ok dramedy. In that context, the film was fine.
So...to reiterate, THIS IS NOT A STANDARD ZOMBIE MOVIE. There is almost no blood, there is no gore, and only a couple instances of violence. In retrospect, the film was rather enjoyable. I just kept waiting for the blood to flow and it never did. That said, the characters were all likable, so watching their transition and growth was appreciated.
Overall, the film was well made. It looks and sounds professional, the script was adequate, the actors were fine for the most part...no big complaints.
- some profanity but not overbearing. Would probably fall in the PG-13 range.
- no nudity or sexual situations
- no drugs other than 3 seconds of a guy smoking what is inferred as being a joint.
- no gore and very little violence. Blood is seen two or three times but it looks like not much more than scraped knee kind of things.
There is nothing that reasons why someone around 11 or 12 years old couldn't watch this.