This is a rather odd movie to review and I review very few. It looks somewhat low budget but started out good (if overlook the girlfriend at the beginning). It was easy to watch, didn't have "well THAT'S stupid!" other than questioning a 'flashlight' and was going along good. Then, towards the latter half of the movie, it gave me (and my GF watching with me) flashbacks to Rambo I & II, Predator, Commando, etc. and there were some blatant errors that anyone knowing hunting/military background would just NOT do! Yes, you'll see it done! No idea if this is a pilot for a show or just for another movie, but with Lance H in it, I'd watch it/them when released since far from ruined but the errors (that can tick off people with a hunting background or even those with just common sense) really knocked my rating down to give it a 5/10