Written by Emmy Award Winner Alex Michaels (I) Director Vataliy Versace is back with his new film The Jungle Book: Make a wish.
Versace has assembled an all star cast to tell the story of Mowgli (Maksim Davis) a young boy
who is fighting cancer. Mowgli's mom, (Tatiana Bartul,) and Grandfather Tom, (Paul Gustovich,) pray for a miracle
as Mowgli's condition starts to deteriorate. When Mowgli's closes his eyes, his mind takes him into the world of his favorite
story, The Jungle Book. The Monkey King believes that if he can capture Mowgli, he can become human. The wolves try to keep Mowgli
safe from the dangers of the jungle. This heart warming story will keep you entranced from beginning to end.
From Executive Producer Greg Williams, David L. Walker, and Vitaliy Versace. Also starring international singer/actress Sasha Kolos.