The film has four different stories that should be connected but it felt just the opposite, each story barely progressed and they all felt like they were heading nowhere. The plot was driven by cliches which just made some scenes very "cheesy" and the film ended up being a big insult to all the remarkable eras in Egyptian history.
The production set of the film is good which is exceptional for Egyptian cinema. It was great to see Mohamed Saad try a serious role which he portrayed well, all other performances in the film were just terrible. Mohamed Ramadan was doing another typical Mohamed Ramadan role just in a different era, not good at all.
Action scenes were very random, they would do anything just to make a character look cool which were poorly choreographed and the output would probably make the audience laugh.
The film tried so hard to be a blockbuster but it backfired miserably and the output was just disappointing with an inconclusive ending.