I really love comedies, I grew up watching all the black and white classics and sitcoms were a staple of mine, foreign comedies are my go- to and nothing is better than a good laugh. This show? It's everything my little first generation born heart has yearned for in a comedy. In the vein of Cristella and Fresh off the Boat, this show is about an immigrant/first generation family and their day to day life in this ever changing, ever expanding community of the North Americas. But it's So. Much. Better. It's everything I had hoped from Cristella (as a child of Mexican immigrants) and what Fresh off the Boat just missed the mark on in terms of realism. It is an honest family show that echos so many of my own experiences and gives me such a happy outlook on them.
This is such a great show and you won't be disappointed. The writing, the acting, the directing, all of it is just fantastic.