I was reminded a lot of Vanquish and Dark Souls when playing The Surge (with perhaps a little bit of a Tom Cruise movie that apparently had multiple titles a few years back). Imagine a mash-up of all three and you'll get the idea.
Was it as fun as Vanquish? Almost. I never felt that the weaponry was all that powerful compared to the hoards I was fighting against nor did I feel like the armor was all that protective. This made tackling the enemies a little boring, honestly. There's weapon crafting though, which I enjoyed in Dead Space 3, so it was nice to see it here. Also, if you enjoy dismembering enemy limbs you'll have your bloodthirst satisfied, just don't expect this game to be easy. There are only five bosses in total, and it seems that they have taken a relatively short game and attempted to extend it by adding lots of grind and upping the difficulty.
The environments and graphics are all gorgeous to look at. I'd say that this is a great game for demonstrating the ability of your home theatre, and while the sound effects are good, the music...isn't. They really fumbled the ball there. I won't be rushing out to buy the soundtrack, which is filled with cheap, techno-noise and a few country-ish songs. It's sad to see any kind of scoring go in this direction. It's a trend that fills me with dread.
There's no multi-player (not that I care about that), so you need to keep that in mind if you are used to online co-op gaming.
With 47 achievements/trophies available there's a reason to come back after your first playthrough, but I found the game already too overly familiar and derivative of other games that I enjoyed more. It's still a decent timewaster, but sometimes I am looking for more than that.