Quintessential British Documentary. Great narrator voice, perfect transitions from past to present to past, and musical themes adding to the emotion and crescendo to the synergistic, central point. Uses quite a number of film techniques and "straight- to-the-point" characters and avoids the common documentary sins of "slow", "painstaking", "boring". Very Graphical(through-out) and Comical(at some points).
I think the film does do a great job at posing the question that the economic transferal of power has been an overall economic net loss for Britain. The point that Europe was very competitive and the "cooperation" has not always for the benefit of every trade/industry in Britain.
For open minds, this poses a great question to the British people. I personally believe government should be as local and accountable(you should be voting for them and should easily be able to fire them) as possible. As an American(freedom bias) the thought that other countries having so much authority would feel...discomforting.
Can't wait to see the referendum results for you guys! Good Luck!