Enjoyed the first Season. The pacing, story, and characters were in good form. Costumes, set design, and music are top notch in both seasons. Various elements have become diluted with the 2nd season. The actors still give committed performances, but most of the dialogue is ridiculously ponderous. Some of Lithgow's lines come off as so basic that it's nearly laughable. His character appears to have just been hired into the intelligence community. This is not the actor's fault, it's the script. Many scenes feel like a Parade of Preciousness. Ironically, this tactic diminishes the potential of mystery. The languorous script is in harmony with the camera pace: there are enough long shots to flood a swimming pool. I plan to finish this season (just one more episode to go), but I'm not too keen to watch Season 3, assuming there is one. Maybe this show would have worked better as a movie.