This film essentially begins with a self-centered woman by the name of "Joanna" (Mi-lyeong Jo) talking on a pay phone for an inordinate amount of time while others are waiting for her to finish so that they can make important calls of their own. Eventually, this results in a young man named "Kim Yong-ho" (Su-ryeon Lee) losing his patience and kicking the puppy that she has attached to a leash nearby. Naturally, this upsets her very much but, when she tries to chastise him, he responds by telling her how rude and selfish she has been. Infuriated that someone would speak to her in such a manner, she quickly hangs up the phone and storms off in a huff. The scene then shifts to Kim Yong-ho deciding to apply for a job as a journalist at a local magazine. However, when he appears for an interview he discovers, much to his chagrin, that the person conducting the interview is none other than Joanna. That being said, after immediately concluding that he has no chance of obtaining the job, he begins to walk out of the office--only to be hired on the spot. What Joanna doesn't tell him, however, is that the only reason she hired him is to make his life as miserable as possible. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film turned out to be a rather enjoyable comedy--especially if one takes into account the situation in South Korea right after the carnage incurred during the war a few years earlier. Likewise, it should also be mentioned that this was a time of extreme social change in which women were finally being treated with a measure of freedom and respect that they had previously been denied. Admittedly, the story is somewhat predictable but, even so, I enjoyed it for the most part, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.