I'd like to start out by saying @jdpark-29254 you need to go get some help buddy, you're wound up way too tight. To get that upset about pronouncing an old German guys name that I assure you most people haven't heard of unless they are specializing in his same field, well yeah you just need to see a professional or get laid or something I dunno.
On to the movie, it started out with a different spin on urban legends and what have you but then it got lost in itself and just deflated and fell flat in the end. I do my best to not put spoilers so you can read my warning to skip this particular movie before hand, doesn't do you any good after the fact lol. So, story? Nope. Acting? Actually was pretty good except for Ross, yeah Diana Ross's son. Terrible actor, terrible cast choice, very annoying, not to mention he has a girls voice. I kid you not, you can close your eyes and when he talks, you'd could argue it may be a girl talking. Everything was tolerable but, bad story and bad cast? Well you're pretty much done at that point anyway. I'd skip this one unless you are having trouble finding something to watch because this is still better than a lot of real stinkers I've seen sadly in the past. That's why I'm here though, my suffering to save you your precious and valuable time. Until my next review, keep the film rolling.