I had been dying to watch 'Sable' ever since I had watched the trailer. I was very excited when the film was finally released. As much as I like collecting DVDs, I was gutted to find out that, as I'm based in the UK, I couldn't buy the online version from Amazon, which meant that I still had to wait several days before I could watch Sable and I was just so impatient. I've now finally gotten to watch the film and it certainly was worth the waiting. The acting is consistently great throughout the movie. I did get emotional and the characters got me thinking about different aspects of life. This can only happen with talented and professional actors, directed by an equally talented and professional director. Another key factor is the story that lies behind. You need a interested one with a well written script to make a great movie. I can confidently say that Michael Matteo Rossi did an incredible job. I find it very inspiring that someone so young like Mr Rossi can pull something like 'Sable' together. I highly recommend that you watch this movie. I was hooked from start till end and I'll surely watch it again soon!