I'm four episodes into Yahoo's latest show, and I like it so far. It's like a mix of Mystery Science Theater (there's even a few cast members from that show here) and that old Nickelodeon show Space Cases.
Don't expect any deep, scintillating science fiction here. It's a comedy with a basic premise--bunch of misfits get lost in space and have to work together to get back home. Some of the jokes occasionally fall flat, and come off as awkward or cheesy. But the cast is solid, with each character having their own schtick that makes them endearing. Captain Stewart and Natasha the AI are particularly good.
It's a fun show, especially if you like quirky comedies like The Office or Community. If that humor doesn't do it for you, you may want to pass on this. But if you go in ready for a lighthearted, goofy comedy, you'll be rewarded.
Quick end note about some of the bizarrely harsh, one-star reviews on here. These reviews do not accurately describe the show. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but these reviews almost seem personal, and most don't contain any valid criticisms. Hell, one reviewer only watched five minutes. Who watches a show for only 5 minutes then writes a review about that show?
It's as if these people were instantly expecting a brand new comedy, with a cast of relative unknowns, airing for free on Yahoo, with an extremely limited production budget I'm sure, to be at the level of Parks & Rec. Even Parks & Rec wasn't at the level of Parks & Rec when it first started.
Ignore those reviews. If quirky comedy from the dude who did Bridesmaids and The Heat is not up your alley, don't watch it. But if you want a breezy, goofy, adequately entertaining time-waster, give this show a shot.