In this reversal of the traditional Cinderella story, Rob Carelli (Christopher Russell) is a Pittsburgh attorney who gets all the work and none of the credit in his firm, run by a father and his two arrogant, bully sons. Rob falls for the head of a client firm, Elyse Samford (Autumn Reeser), but is too reserved to do anything about it.
Russell has that Christopher Reeves-as-Clark-Kent vibe going: ruggedly handsome, but socially awkward, and hiding his true feelings. When he wears a mask, you have to accept that no one could possibly identify him.
This Hallmark romance is one of the better ones. The chemistry between the two leads is strong, and both are very likable. Over and over again, Rob proves himself to be a caring, principled man. The meaty role of his niece Ruby is played by Helen Colliander. And Neil Crone plays the part of Sam, the over-qualified and somewhat cynical office security man Rob befriends.